Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Universes in black holes?

Hubble ultra deep field

 About 10,00 Galaxies 
A smaller area of the sky than a 1 mm-by-1 mm square of paper held 1 meter away!


Think of a city, its big and some have millions of people. Now think of Earth and how many cites there are ( about 2,500,000). Now think of how insignificant those cities are compared to the entire solar system. Now consider how many stars there are in the Milky Way (it had been estimated `200 to 400 billion stars). The next step is how many galaxies are there? Estimates very from 100 to 200 billion all the way to 500 billion. Take those mind blowing numbers into consideration when a new theory suggests that for every black hole there is an other entire universe on the other side. It is not yet possible to estimate the number of black holes in our universe but so far we have discovered over 70. According to this theory we could be in a black hole ourselves and that black hole could be in another one. This is certainly something to think about. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trusting people

Believe it or not every day you are trusting your life with probably hundreds of people. You might not realize but if you really think about it the guy driving the city bus or the air plane has your life in their hands. This first occurred to me when I was sitting under a crane that was dangling a steel beam directly over me. If, for some reason that beam dropped or the cable holding it snapped I along with about a dozen people would have been probably seriously injured or killed. You also have to consider that you have never met these people you are trusting your life with. This demonstrates how lucky you are every day trusting people.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Progress with War?

Satern V rocket

When you think of war you probably don't come up with very positive images. For almost everybody involved with war there are many negatives. Then again if you consider all aspects of a war there are some positives. When you look back in history you will find that without wars we would not have many of our greatest inventions. For example many of the technologies for aircraft  were invented for war by governments and are now in use today by commercial airliners. Also there are some inventions like the Jeep that would not have been even considered if it were not for WWII. The cold war has had the same effect, have a look at space exploration.  We would have been in space much later if it were not for the Space Race. Many things about war are bad and certainly out way the good thing. I think that the next time people consider how horrible the past wars have been they should also recognize everything that wars have done for us.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why so many?


It has been said the there are 50 million stray dogs in the USA alone. If you are getting a dog and want a purebred you might want to consider what your getting and where if came from. Remember that a mutt is referring to just another breed that has been mixed from 2 or more breeds.  This is how all dog breeds were created. Puppy mills only exist because people purchase dogs from non-reputable pet shops and private non-reputable pet dealers. If we as a society stop supporting these mills they will cease to exist. People should consider adoption, rescue centres and reputable breeders. If everybody would simply think before they get a dog than I believe many of the dog shelters in the world would not be needed.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

No blue bins here

Fort San Felipe, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
How much of that would you recycle?

Like in many developing countries, the Dominican Republic faces a growing challenge with what to do with their garbage. Currently there is no apparent recycling. Sadly you have to throw all of the potentially recyclable material in to the trash or in some cases on the road and into the street. Recycling can be very profitable and provide jobs. People in developing countries all over the world tend to reuse many things that we would typically throw out and in many cases fix broken items and resell them. With recycling we could go one step further by creating programs that encourage recycling, creating jobs both on the collection side and in post collection manufacturing opportunities from the recycled materials. The recycling model suggests that in order to create a successful business model from recycling – in other words make money - you need to have large quantities of recyclable material available. If you could come up with some sort of system that would attract people to collect these materials (like paying money for bottles, cans, glass and paper) we would certainly see ample supply. Surely, there must be interest in this recycling business opportunity.