Saturday, June 16, 2012

Updating to a smart grid

Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon

The North American power grid is in dire need of an update. Utility companies have been using workers for most of their data collection for a century. With all the technology we have access to, this old way of working does not make sense. Making systems computerized and fast reacting to changing circumstances is the only logical way that we can continue to grow and sustain them.

There are many new technologies coming out and an abundance of already established technologies that could be used in very beneficial ways to improve our power grid. For example, high consumption devices like electric cars could be used as batteries to offset their strain on the grid when not in use. Better power management working from grid to grid would  reduce inefficiencies during electricity demand fluctuations. Designing a new system from the ground up in a smart way would be key to a sustainable power distribution system.

U.S. Department of Energy

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Education is evrything

Education is everything, especially with all of the rigorous requirements necessary to succeed today. Succeeding in life is more difficult or even impossible when you don't have a proper education. People who are trying to ascend into higher levels of economic success require the appropriate education not just dedication in order to get "the" job.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Alligator or Seal hunt?

The seal hunt is often referred to as a cruel and inhumane practice that should be stopped. However, there are people who make a living on hunting the seals so banning the seal hunt affects their traditional livelihood. So it's ironic when you turn on a popular TV channel to find a show based around the hunting and killing of alligators in the southern United States. It's surprising that no one is protesting these shows which clearly revolve around people making a livlihood around hunting and killing animals in what seems to be a cruel and inhumane way. There is a failure to draw the connection between the seal hunt and the alligator hunt and the apparent animal cruelty - where are the protesters against the alligator hunt! There are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are dead set against the seal hunt with  mission to inform the public as to how horrible it is.  I can't see why the seal hunt and hunting an alligator in the ways shown on popular TV (imagine a TV show about the seal hunt?) are any different. In both cases we have people making a living through the application of traditional hunting practices.

Monday, February 6, 2012

You said what?

Most problems in life are caused by misunderstandings, after thinking about it it surprised me just how many conflicts could be avoided with better communication. If people would just sit down and talk things through it would make life allot easier for everyone. Communication is important, on all levels!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Global Warming or just weather?

Global Warming is something that most people have heard of. The theory that we are polluting the atmosphere with green house gasses causing it to trap heat within. It may be true that there is a steady pattern around the globe of overall rising temperatures but, does this mean that we are at fault? I think that sometimes we tend to place ourselves in a false position of authority when it come to our environment. We do play a major role in our surroundings but we are not always at fault. The recent warm up may be cause to  weather patterns. Between the years of 1000AD and 1300AD there was also a warm period known as the "Medieval Warm Period". This was followed by a cool period known as the "Little Ice Age" ranging from the late 1500s until the late 1800s. Since then there as been a study increase in temperature. Does this mean that we are in another one of these cycles?