Thursday, December 16, 2010


Consumerism is something that we all have in us. It is the everlasting drive to consume. This would have proven very useful to early man making us more competitive and keeping us alive. Now this is more so the urge to get “newer” or “better” things, in most cases these are things that we don’t need and will only use for a short time before we throw them away. This is more of a problem in North America. Next time you go to a large box store say around Christmas (now) or any big holiday if you take a moment to look at all of the small  and large things that are waiting to be bought used and thrown out in less than a week. This in my opinion is disgusting not to say that I haven’t done this myself. We can’t keep consuming at this rate. There is simply no way that any of these habits are sustainable for any period of time. We can't be in denial!

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